Join-um us-um as-um we-um interview-um Dr.-um Gerry-um Locklin-um. This discussion ranges from the academic to the less-than-academic, as we explore Gerry from head to dancing Birkenstocks (Colon included!).
Below, as promised, a list of Gerry’s important links.
Gerry's website: http://www.geraldlocklin.com/
Gerry's Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Gerald-Lockli/119210118110194?ref=ts
Join-um us-um as-um we-um interview-um Dr.-um Gerry-um Locklin-um. This discussion ranges from the academic to the less-than-academic, as we explore Gerry from head to dancing Birkenstocks (Colon included!).
Below, as promised, a list of Gerry’s important links.
Gerry's website: http://www.geraldlocklin.com/
Gerry's Facebook Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Gerald-Lockli/119210118110194?ref=ts
The new Critcal Introduction to Gerry's work by BlazeVOX can be purchased at: http://www.amazon.com/Gerald-Locklin-Introduction-Michael-Basinski/dp/1935402005
Many older/rare/out-of-print books can be found at: http://www.waterrowbooks.com/, http://www.amazon.com/, http://www.abebooks.com/
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